
And We're Back

I've been on a little blog-leave for a while, but I'm back now.
I'm enjoying the 'Reading Classics Together' over at the Challies Blog
The Rare Jewel Of Christian Contentment

Every time I read a 'classic' I'm amazing why I don't read them more often. Compare the dead authors to the living authors on depth and insight, the dead win, big time. It's like comparing a pot hole to the Mariana Trench. It takes time to dig, but when you do.....the treasures you find are awesome.

I've always misunderstood this 'rare jewel' of contentment. I find just the title of the book ironic yet engaging. I know contentment is a treasure but it's so rarely consistent in my life that I have actually 'found' it. Once I think I've got it, it flies away.

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